Tangerang, February 22, 2023
The Lecturer & Public Relations Team of the Islamic College of Binamadani, Wednesday, February 22, 2023, carried out Community Service by going directly to the School, socializing the Campus and providing Motivation about the Selection of Private Universities to grade 12 students precisely at MA An-Nuqthah Tangerang
The theme raised was “Increasing Learning Motivation and Selection of Study Programs at Higher Education”, as well as introducing the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program at the STAI Binamadani campus and inviting students to continue to a higher level of education.
The speakers who filled this event were Bpk H.Awaludin Adnan Lecturers, M.Pd The total number of students who participated in this event was 97 students.
This activity was closed with the Giving of Souvenirs by Vice Chairman 1 Mr. Dr.Mohammad Zaenal Arifin, M.A with one of the teachers who was on duty at An-Nuqthah.
This activity was closed with the Giving of Souvenirs by Vice Chairman 1 Mr. Dr.Mohammad Zaenal Arifin, M.A with one of the teachers who was on duty at An-Nuqthah.
This activity was carried out to provide information to class XII students about STAI Binamadani both study programs, vision and mission, opportunities to continue higher education studies and other campus activities.