STAI Binamadani Goes To School MA ANNIDA AL ISLAMY | PKM Sosialisasi & Motivation

Tangerang, February 24, 2023
The Binamadani Islamic College Lecturer Team, Friday, February 24, 2023, carried out Community Service by going directly to the School to socialize the Campus and provide motivation about understanding religious moderation to grade 12 students precisely at MA Annida Al Islamy, West Jakarta

The theme raised was “Efforts to Prevent the Maintenance of Radicalism Among Students” as well as introducing the Islamic Religious Education Study Program at the STAI Binamadani campus and inviting students to continue to a higher level of education.
The speakers who filled this event were Lecturers Bpk Dr. Fuad Masykur, M.A &; Dr. Abdul Rosyid, M.Pd, and Yudi Fachrudin, M.Pd.I, The total students who participated in this event were 97 students from the Department of Islamic Religion.

This activity was carried out to provide information to class XII students about STAI Binamadani both study programs, vision and mission, opportunities to continue higher education studies and other campus activities.

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STAI Binamadani merupakan Perwujudan dari cita cita pendiri untuk memperjuangkan kesejahteraan kehidupan umat melalui perguruan tinggi yang dengan sengaja mentransfer ilmu ilmu agama, sosial, humaniora, dan eksakta.